Vineyard analytics and management solution
BeVine is a cloud-based decision support system based on real data delivered from a vineyard positioned professional meteo station.
GRAPES Disease prediction models
Delivers disease prediction for the most economically significant diseases: Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Black Rot and Grey Mould.
Identifies the highest risk conditions so that agronomists can react to them pro actively and enables early spotting of disease appearance to control the spread.
Allows optimal spraying plan based on environmental conditions, previous treatments and grapevine type.
Grapes ripening forecasting model
Forecasts the amount of sugar concentration, pH, tartaric acids in the different grapevine types during the period of ripening.
Monitors the ripening level of the different grapevine types that are present in the vineyard.
Allows accurate planning of the grape harvesting in line with the pre-season set goals.
Takes into consideration whether conditions and historic data when it is available.
Phenology modeL
Provides complete development of the vine phenology stages at a glance.
Takes into consideration the phenology stage for optimal tuning of the disease prediction model.
Allows calibration of vineyard treatment based on the phenology stage.
alerts and notifications
Offers broad list of notifications on significant events that need attention and quick reaction, e.g. increased risk of diseases, increased humidity or droughts.
Customizable alarms and notifications based on the needs of the customer and the specifics of the vineyard.
Technical alarms for the condition of the sensors, meteo station power supply and location.
digital notebook and costing
Supports digital notebook with record of all operations performed on the vineyard, including historical data.
Tracks costing of all operations with current year rates to provide visibility over the actual cost of the grapes and consequently of the produced wines.
Enables optimal resource planning and management to reduce excessive costs and improve profits.
Historical weather data analysis and forecast
Gathers data hourly from weather stations located in the vineyard.
Piles up historical data and allows comparative analysis.
Provides insights based on the history of important events related to the vineyard, such as rainfall, solar radiation, average temperature, etc.
Custom spraying recommendations
Allows spaying only where necessary based on precise disease prediction models per grape variety.
Provides the best time frame to spray and suggests optimal herbicide/pesticide spraying mix.
Helps plan workforce and machinery according to recommended spaying schedule.
Drone powered services
Automated spaying with drones on demand or based on predefined customer schedule.
Allows vineyard scouting on remote, scattered, and difficult to reach vineyards with Ultra Hi-res images.
Provides information for vigor, NDVI, water stress and suggests necessary actions.
How it works
collect environmental data
Weather conditions data such as air temperature, air humidity, leaf wetness, rain amount, wind speed, wind direction, soil temperature and soil moisture are taken from in-field meteorological station.
perform analysis
Smart data analysis is performed using the weather data to help users make informed decisions with accurate prediction of disease infection risk. Analysis of the data also leads to resource optimizations such as scouting, spraying, and watering costs.